Design structures that thrive on entropy, for these are essential in the face of black swan events, uncertainty, chaos, and adversity.
Adapt, Aggregate, Arbitrage
- Decentralize for local responsiveness.
- Centralize for commoditized efficiencies.
- Exploit the differences for performance.
- △〇▢.
Tactics and Values.
a + b / a
- Prioritize wisdom and agility.
- Strengthen critical assets.
- Embrace uncertainty and chaos.
Everything beautiful in its time...
Certik Token Sniffer RugDoc CerTified Rankings by Security
Rugpullscanner Rugscreen DeFiSafety L2BEAT rekt Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)“Physics has shown that edge of chaos is the optimal settings for control of a system.”
“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.”